Monday, June 8, 2009

I wanna break free

Until I find a better means than my camera phone to put up my rough sketches of life - please to pardon the quality - I hope the slightly less blurred stick figures make up for the more blurred text :)


  1. To break out of the circle, maybe Loopy should try simple tactics? Like walking in a straight line...

    Though it might then be a case of "Loopy line, Bagha byne" or some such ;)

  2. Draw with a ball pen, dumbass.

  3. Does Loopy use loop mobile? :P

  4. @lakesidey: That's the thing... her direction sense seems to be all messed up. And ss long as bagha byne in case of loopy line means "prof gives a thumbs up", it should be all fine.

    @PurpleSky: That IS by a ball pen. I tried changing contrasts etc. coz it was too light and the cam bad and paper crumply :p

  5. @Hashish: Someday day this blog shall make loopy super famous and rich and she shall have her own blockbuster movie AND loop mobile. Until then... on her stick (*sic*) feet she loops...:D

  6. Also loopy clearly idolizes batman. Thus thinks that loop mobile would be cool vehicle and not an actual mobile thing. :D

  7. hahahhahaha.....waiting for more loops...

  8. Idea - giv her a bf - call him Loopus :P
